Smokehouse Recipes

Smoked Cheddar Cheese in a Big Chief Electric Smoker

Written By: Smokehouse Products

Making smoked cheese is easy with the Big Chief Electric Smoker from Smokehouse Products. The low smoking temperatures of the smoker with its design makes it easy for anyone to smoke cheese at home.

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Created on Posted by Smokehouse Products Comment Link

Cheese can be smoked for as little as 15 minutes or a couple hours depending on personal taste. Our preference is to smoke cheddar cheese for about 60-90 minutes. The temp should be below 100 F (try the Smoke Chief to smoke at 0 degrees). The cheese can be eaten immediately, however, for a deeper smoke flavor put the cheese in a zip lock and place in the refrigerator for a few days.

Created on Posted by JIm G Comment Link

The time spent slicing the cheese could have been better spent telling viewers at what temperature, about how long was it smoked & can it be eaten immediately

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